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Beyond the Bark


One tree can start a forest

One smile can begin a friendship

One hand can lift a soul

One word can frame the goal

One candle can wipe out darkness

One laugh can conquer gloom

One hope can raise your spirits

One touch can show you care

One life can make the difference

Be that one today.

-Ramblings of the Claury

The man behind the trade is Kim Harbaugh. A cabinet maker and designer by trade working with his hands is all he knows. As a young boy those conservation ideas were instilled in him through Eagle Scouts and continued to grow through the years. His home located down a gravel road in Manchester, Iowa is also recognized as a tree farm where they have planted more than 40,000 trees in the last 40 years. Kim has always enjoyed creating and building items for his family. His love for nature and all things in it runs deep through his blood whether it's collecting wood for the next project, fishing, hunting, working the land, going for a walk, him and his wife Karen, and their growing family are almost always found outdoors.


In 2016 Kim started using any downtime he had from his cabinet business and started collecting wood and get back to his passion of being in the timber and seeing the true beauty of wood come out with every turn on the lathe. Today, passionate about his craft his mind is constantly thinking of the next project he would like to learn and perfect on. With his creative mindset the possibilities are endless on what he may turn out. Not only that but now his kids and his kid's kids are getting involved and creating pieces that really bring a smile to his face seeing it evolve from generation to generation. 

With every piece of wood collected you never know what will come out of it when you start making something. The true beauty is every piece is one of a kind and can never be duplicated like the last one made...similar to each one of us...beyond the bark. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy creating it! 

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